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Bun, Cambodia

"This is the first time I've had a hand like this. I feel like I was born again!"

- Bun

Bun Vibol lost his right hand after a mine exploded near him during the Cambodian civil war. The country has the world’s highest proportion of landmine amputees – but for most individuals, living without an adequate prosthetic is the only option.


​The VHP created a lightweight, functional prosthetic arm for Bun, which was created using biodegradable plastic and corn on an Ultimaker 3D printer. The cost of making his prosthesis was just $320, and it took 40 hours to print and assemble. This was the first time in 30 years that Bun was able to use his right hand!


Help others like Bun


Since 2015, our success in helping amputees around the world has been made possible thanks to people just like you. With your generous contribution, no matter how great or small, we are able to truly make a difference. We are grateful for any help you can provide, and guarantee it will change lives for the better.

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Victoria, BC

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Victoria Hand Project is a registered Canadian Charity and 501(c)(3) Nonprofit - donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Canadian Charity Number 814164323 RR0001 | US 501(c)(3) EIN: 98-1416095 | Donate Now  
©2024 Victoria Hand Project 

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