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Cristian, Equador

In 2016, VHP and the Range of Motion Project fitted Cristian with two 3D printed hands, which offered good functionality and cosmetic appeal. They were printed and built at the Range of Motion development lab using an Ultimaker 2 printer. The hands were developed to use a ½-20 bolt in the hand, which means Cristian can swap out either hand for a hook depending on his needs. It can be changed within a few minutes.

Cristian was really pleased with his hands and said he couldn’t wait to use them in his job (he’s an office receptionist). In fact, he was so enthusiastic about the prosthetics that he immediately started testing them out, doing up the zipper on his jacket, writing with a pen and picking objects up.


Cristian was one of the first patients to be fitted with a VHP device in Ecuador. Both the Range of Motion Project and VHP hope he’ll be the first of many to benefit from their services.


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Victoria Hand Project is a registered Canadian Charity and 501(c)(3) Nonprofit - donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Canadian Charity Number 814164323 RR0001 | US 501(c)(3) EIN: 98-1416095 | Donate Now  
©2024 Victoria Hand Project 

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