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Ijabu, Kenya

"I will use my new hand to write and do other chores. I will use [it] to wash clothes and do so many other activities. The hand feels normal."  

Ijabu is from Mandera, Kenya and is 15 years old.  When she was 8 years old, a boil developed and due to complications, she was advised to have her hand amputated. After she lost her hand, some people made fun of her for her arm and she did not go to school for around a year.  


Receiving the Victoria Hand allowed her to write and do chores more easily. She was also able to be more independent. 


More about Ijabu's story

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Victoria Hand Project is a registered Canadian Charity and 501(c)(3) Nonprofit - donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Canadian Charity Number 814164323 RR0001 | US 501(c)(3) EIN: 98-1416095 | Donate Now  
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