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Vinnytsia, Ukraine - 2023

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Prosthetist in Ukraine, 2023

Compassionate Clinicians and Collaborative Care

“The dedicated team at Victoria Hand Project continue to develop shape capture and 3D prosthetic printing for upper limb amputees, and I have been happy to assist them over the past 5 years. This is a technology that shows great promise for use around the world and will benefit thousands of people.”

- Geoffrey Hall, BSc, CP(c), Owner of Custom Prosthetic Services in Victoria, BC., VHP Prosthetist Partner

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Please Note: This is a detailed list of our certified prosthetist and other clinical partners. If you are looking for clinic contact information, please visit WHERE WE ARE.




Agile Development Group is a strategic design and international development consultancy based in Cambodia. Agile DG specializes in applying design thinking to complex social initiatives that transform markets and communities. They value high quality learning and knowledge exchange that is community relevant and supports growth, opportunity and innovation.

Cambodia Clinical Collaborators

Un Samkol - Manager at Physical Rehabilitation Center, Kampong Speu

Ian Jones - Founder and Technical Advisor, Agile Development Group

Kimlong Kun - Project Coordinator, Agile Development Group




VHP first travelled to Egypt in November 2016 to explore the idea of delivering the VH to amputees in Egypt. A trial was completed with a 13 year old boy at the Zewail City of Science and Technology in Cairo, Egypt. This trial was successful and it was determined there was a need for low-cost prosthetic care in Egypt. This spurred the formation of the Canadian Egyptian Hand Company.

Egypt Clinical Collaborators

Mohamed Basha, PhD - Mohamed is the founder of Canada Egyptian Hand (CEH) and a research professor at the University of Waterloo. He has worked closely with the VHP team to establish a print center to serve Egypt and the surrounding areas.

Asmaa Youssef - Asmaa is a technician for CEH

Wael - Wael is a technician for CEH




Established in 2005 by David Krupa, Eric Neufeld, and headed by Patrick Mathay, ROMP supplies prosthetic and orthotic care to people who would not otherwise have access in the United States, Mexico, Ecuador, and Guatemala.  ROMP realizes that prostheses are devices of empowerment and employs a strategy of clinical care, local investment, and advocacy.

Guatemala Clinical Collaborators

David Krupa, CPO - David Krupa is a co-founder of ROMP. He himself is an amputee having had his left leg amputated below the knee due to a congenital defect. After graduating from the University of Illinois he pursued a Certificate in Prosthetics from Northwestern University. David states that he will continue to serve the organization as much as he can in order to help other amputees access the prosthetic care that has made his own life possible.

Louis Aragon, CP - Luis Humberto Aragón Ramírez is the director and Head Prosthetist at ROMP Guatemala. He started working with ROMP on Day 1 in 2005, became a full time volunteer in 2006, and in 2007 he formally started working after completing an online O&P course. His duties include executive reports, growth & development of the organization inside Guatemala and abroad.

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ProPhy Care is a O&P clinic based out of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, dedicated to delivering high quality, sustainable physical medicine and rehabilitation education, training, and care for adults and children with physical disabilities in Haiti.

Haiti Clinical Collaborators

Cindy Laurent - Cindy is a certified O&P technician with an expertise in 3D printing.

Josué Bernard - Josué is a certified O&P technician working to help those in-need in Haiti.


St. Luke's Orthopedic and Trauma Hospital


St. Luke's Orthopedic and Trauma Hospital has been a Center of Excellence of orthopedic services in Kenya since 2012. St. Luke's offers services such as orthopedic surgery, rehabilitation, neurosurgical, transplants, maternity, as well as others. 

Kenya Clinical Collaborators

Dr. Lectary Kibor Lelei - Dr. L. K Kibor is the Lead Orthopaedic Surgeon dedicated to providing the best healthcare in Orthopaedics at St. Luke's. 


Peter Mwangi CPO - Peter is a Certified Prosthetist Orthotist who works with VHP in Kenya.


Wesley Kesen - Orthopaedic Technologist. 


Kevin Koech - Physiotherapist. Kevin works in the physiotherapy department of the St. Luke's hospital and also works with patients who recieve the Victoria Hand.


Maureen Gitegi - Maureen Gitegi is a young lady with passion to work with physically challenged people to rehabilitate them to do their normal activities. She has a background of rehabilitative medicine; prosthestic and orthotic. She has been trained in fabricating 3D printed prosthisis by VHP, for which she is really grateful. 


Annah Koinei - Annah Koinei is a medical laboratory science graduate (diploma) from Mount Kenya University. She has volunteered at the Thika level 5 hospital in lab research and diagnostic procedures. She recently underwent a VHP training program to gain knowledge on the 3D PP printing and hand assembly. She is the VHP administrator at St. Luke's Orthopedic and Trauma Hospital in Eldoret, Kenya.




Prosthetics and Orthotics service since 2005. LimbCare Nepal's senior prosthetist and orthotist is highly experienced with international practice and training, and has 19 years of experience. All staffs are highly qualified and dedicated in patient care. LimbCare Nepal provides:

+ Artificial limbs rehabilitation service with Intentional qualified experienced professionals

+ Service based on standard protocol

+ Emphasis on functional outcome

+ Prosthetic gait training with skilled certified prosthetist and physiotherapist

+ Free prosthetic counseling in hospitals and homes.

Nepal Clinical Collaborators

Amit Ratna Bajracharya, CPO - Head prosthetist in the Orthotic and Prosthetic Center, at NOH called Limb Care Nepal Pvt. Ltd (LCN). He completed his Bachelor in Prosthetics and Orthotics Engineering from the Indian Institute of Health Education and Research in 2003. He also completed his Bachelor of Science in Prosthetic and Orthotics from Sirindhorn School of Prosthetics and Orthotics (Thailand). He is a certified Prosthetist Orthotist (ISPO Cat I). He has previous experience working as a Prosthetics Orthotics specialist and is dedicated to improving the current state of orthotic and prosthetic services in Nepal.


Amrita Lama, CPO - Amrita studied at the Sirindhorn School of Prosthetics and Orthotics



The Fauji Foundation Hospital Rawalpindi includes several buildings for various patient care areas from the Artificial Limb Center building, OPD Complex, CT MRI building, The Emergency Building, The Peads building to Burn Ward Center and Rehabilitation Physio Center, our state-of-the-art facilities offer a healing environment that supports the visionary care that Fauji Foundation Hospital has been delivering for more than fifty years.




CoRSU was established in 2006 as a private non-profit, non-government organization in Uganda. The Vision of CoRSU is that people living with a disability in Uganda are able to access rehabilitation services that improve their quality of life and that they are fully integrated in society.

Uganda Clinical Collaborators

Christine Tusiime - Christine is a committed Physiotherapist passionate about rehabilitation of children with disabilities. She has been working as a member of a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation team since 2003. She graduated with a Master of Science in Physiotherapy at the University of
Western Cape in South Africa and has trained in basic paediatric Neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT) concepts. She received a 2012 Merit Award from the Department of Physiotherapy while at the University of Western Cape.


Joyce Nakibirango - Orthopaedic technologist at CoRSU rehabilitation hospital.


Jamaima Nalugya - Orthopaedic technologist at CoRSU rehabilitation hospital.


Stanley Lubega - Stanley is a physiotherapist with CoRSU


Racheal Apolot - Racheal is an Orthopaedic Technologist with CoRSU.



Ukraine (Lviv Location)

"AROL PLUS" LLC is a manufacturer of innovative prosthetic and orthopedic products for people with disabilities and for people who care about their health. It provides the market with high-quality prosthetic and orthopedic products, in the manufacture of which modern technologies and high-quality hypoallergenic materials are used.

Our mission  is to be a powerful tool for solving the problems of our Clients and Partners. Our goal is to create conditions for the optimal functioning of the human body and ensure the comfort of movement.

The company has been operating on the market for over 10 years. Today, the company has 4 representative offices: Lviv (head office), Mukacheve, Zakarpattia region, Khmelnytskyi and Ivano-Frankivsk.

Ukrainian Clinical Collaborators

Oleksandr Serhiyovych Gerasimenko - Physical rehabilitator with more than 25 years of experience. Candidate of Sciences in the field of "Physical Rehabilitation", master's degree in "Bioengineering". Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy of Drohobytsk State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko.

A graduate of the NATO Human Study School of Prosthetics and Orthotics Program, a certified K2 ISPO specialist (World Organization of Prosthetics and Orthotics).


Humenna Halyna Volodymyrivna - Master in the specialty "Management of organizations" of the Lviv Institute of Management on the basis of the international program "Master of Business Administration", specialist in the field of "Commodity studies and commercial activity" of the Lviv Institute of Trade and Economics.


Dmytro Timrakevych - Prosthetist technician


Mykhailo Makarov - Prosthetist technician


Ukraine (Vinnytsia Location)

Vinnytsia State Prosthetic - Orthotic Enterprise has been serving patients for over 75 years. 

Ukrainian Clinical Collaborators

Valentin Salmonov - Director


Serhiy Sirik - Head of workshop


Volodymyr Skapoushchenko - Prosthetist, Orthotist


Victoria Kolodiy - Rehabilitation specialist



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North America
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 New York, United States

Ascent Fabrication is a fully digital prosthetic and orthotic central fabrication entity which uses 3D scanning, CAD design, and 3D printing to provide products which are optimized for patient-centric solutions. Along with these solutions, they offer virtual and in person training sessions related to digital tools and workflows. Their innovations are focused around highly functional and affordable applications for daily use in your clinic. Ascent Fabrication is made by clinicians to help clinicians harness digital techniques to streamline their processes.

U.S. Clinical Collaborator

Joe Fairley, CP - Certified Prosthetist, 3D printing specialist and entrepreneur offering clinical and consulting services for the prosthetics and orthotics industry.


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British Columbia, Canada

Custom Prosthetic Services Ltd. is a full-service prosthetic facility conveniently located in Victoria, British Columbia close to the Royal Jubilee Hospital. We service clients in the Victoria, Vancouver Island, and Gulf Islands region.

They specialize in the fabrication and fitting of high technology quality upper and lower extremity limb prosthetics and we also offer silicone cosmetic restorations of hands and feet. They are pleased to offer advanced interface and suspension systems and support the latest osseointegration surgeries. Their motto is "Seeking Your Complete Satisfaction" and they work tirelessly on your behalf to improve your lifestyle through friendly dedicated personal service and the application of the latest prosthetic technologies.

Their clinical and technical staff are certified and registered with the Canadian Board for Certification of Prosthetists and Orthotists

Canada Clinical Collaborator

Geoffrey Hall, B.Sc., C.P. (c) - Geoffrey Hall is the owner and chief clinician of Custom Prosthetic Services Ltd. and he has over thirty years of experience as a Certified Prosthetist. Geoffrey has a broad range of experience in all aspects of Limb and Cosmetic Prosthetics for persons of all ages and he keeps abreast of the latest developments in Prosthetic Technology.

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Texas, United States

From surgery to rehabilitation, to the fitting of your prosthesis, Prosthetics At Home will work cohesively with patients Physicians, Specialists, Case Managers, and Therapists to ensure patients attain maximum function and mobility every step of the way. Their team is committed to the highest ethical standards, integrity, and passion for life. They combine professional experiences in prosthetics, rehabilitation, engineering, and research. They adopt and research innovative solutions that will drastically improve the lives of amputees.

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Nebraska, United States

Founded in 2018 by Rakesh Srivastava, Shabri was off to a head-start on its path to revolutionize product design and fabrication. Rakesh could see how quickly additive manufacturing was changing objects are made. From his company Innovative Prosthetics and Orthotics he was utilizing 3D printing and scanning technology to make his products better, faster, stronger, and more affordable. At both Shabri and Innovative Prosthetics and Orthotics, they believe in working together, with the patients and their healthcare providers to give the best possible solution to every ortho aliment. 



Partners that have worked with the Victoria Hand Project in the past include:


ARC Hub PNH is the first 3D Printing solutions business in Cambodia. ARC Hub PNH’s mission is to empower local creators to design and make valuable products. They believe that 3D Printing is the future of production.


When the Cambodian School of Prosthetics and Orthotics (CSPO) was founded in the early 1990s, there were no qualified prosthetics or orthotists in the country. In the 1990s, prosthetics and orthotics were considered a craft instead of a profession, where no standards existed. Since then, more than 185 Cambodians have been trained, who work either at the school or in one of the 11 Regional Physical Rehab Centres across the country.


The mission of Enable International: Haiti (EIH) is to empower local communities and amputees with culturally acceptable and affordable upper limb devices. Developing countries, especially areas torn by war and natural disaster, have a large need for upper ­limb prosthetics. Post­-earthquake Haiti is a high­ need area where EIH is well­ positioned to pilot a paradigm of support, materials, and training for the production of bespoke, 3D-printed, upper limb devices.


Healing Hands for Haiti (HHH) is a secular, non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) based out of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. HHH is dedicated to delivering high quality, sustainable physical medicine and rehabilitation education, training, and care for adults and children with physical disabilities in Haiti.


Established in 1998, Nepal Orthopedic Hospital (NOH) provides quality orthopaedic care at an affordable price. In a country with no health insurance system, NOH is committed to providing charitable care to those who can least afford it. During the continuing aftermath of the 2015 Nepal Earthquake, NOH has treated all patients free of cost.


The Rebalance Legacy Society is a charitable organization based out of Victoria, BC, Canada, with both community and international focus. Rebalance Legacy Society provides orthopedic care across Uganda, as well as work with soccer teams on Vancouver Island. The Society is run by Dr. Norgrove Penny, a surgeon at RebalanceMD in Victoria. Dr. Penny has conducted extensive work across Uganda, including training young Ugandan surgeons, and work with CoRSU Hospital. 

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Canadian Charity Number 814164323 RR0001 | US 501(c)(3) EIN: 98-1416095 | Donate Now  
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